Did you know that if the marketplace asks you for proof of Citizenship, even if you do not receive any type of government subsidy, that if you choose to NOT send in proof, then the marketplace will CANCEL YOUR HEALTH PLAN?

That’s right, they can just CANCEL YOUR INSURANCE if you don’t provide the proof that the marketplace wants!  Now this has nothing to do with Humana, United Healthcare, Cigna, etc. This is a rule of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) “Obamacare”.

If you receive any type of letter from the Marketplace, do not ignore it or assume it is junk mail. Open it! If the marketplace asks for proof that you are a US Citizen, please get in touch with your health insurance agent so they can upload the documents in the marketplace system. If you don’t have an agent, then mail these documents directly to the marketplace so that you can keep your plan.

If you do find that your insurance has been cancelled, for any reason, please contact me and I will gladly go over your plan options. We have “non-ObamaCare” health insurance plans that you can get year-round, and they are about half the cost of ACA! Don’t waste time and lose your insurance, or pay too much! If you are in Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina or West Virginia and need health insurance, Call Amy Kelley at 770-527-5598 or email me at:  Am*@In***********.com