There is a lot of panic in the US about the new Coronavirus. Much of the panic is being pushed because there is a lot of uncertainty around this new virus. We do not truly know how many people have been infected in the US, since the first batch of tests for the virus were faulty. The World Health Organization has stated that most carriers of the COVID 19 virus will show mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.

How can we truly know how many people are infected and carrying the virus if they are not getting tested? Let’s focus on the US for a minute. There are over 1000 confirmed cases in the US (as of 3-13-20) and 26 deaths at the time of this blog. President Trump has sanctioned travel bans, and sports arenas are empty in the most celebrated time of year in college basketball.

So, what should we be doing to prepare ourselves and our family for the COVID 19 virus? We need to first understand that this is a highly contagious virus. It will spread, and many people will carry it without symptoms. The good news is, that most Americans will show very mild symptoms if they do contract the virus. The demographic at greatest risk is the elderly, or people with underlying medical issues.

Here are the facts: The virus can be transferred for up to two weeks while someone is infected. This means that there are 2 weeks of potential quarantine for many Americans. Let’s focus on what can we do to help lower our risk of contracting this virus. (1) We must wash our hands often, and thoroughly. Especially after being in a public place. (2) Another tip to help avoid the virus is to drink something every 15 minutes. Aside from staying hydrated, this method will move pathogens to the stomach where they will be destroyed by stomach acid. (3) Be careful not to touch your eyes or face when in public, as this can move the virus into your body. (4) When in public: Be careful of touching hard surfaces, grab handles, knobs and counter tops. Keep your hands in your pockets or folded in front of you. (5) Check your medical plan for coverage, or get a health insurance plan, today!

During this time: Evaluate your health care coverage and medical insurance. We have short term medical plans (STM) available from several health insurance carriers to ensure that your family is covered in an emergency. (One of these STM plans has also agreed to cover the cost of testing for the virus.) You don’t have to wait for open enrollment to get a health care plan, so call me today.

Let me review your health insurance needs and help you to determine what is best for your family. Here in Georgia, Amy Kelley, The Insurance Nana®, can assist you with your health insurance needs.  The Insurance Nana® wants you to be safe and remain healthy during this uncertain time.

Call 770-527-5598 today to speak to find out which health insurance products would best suit you and your family.