This is a great question. I have access to almost all of the health insurance plans that are offered in the state of Georgia we well as the following states:
- Alabama
- Colorado
- Florida
- Illinois
- Kentucky
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- West Virginia
When you sign up for health insurance, I get paid a commission by the insurance carrier that you choose for your health insurance coverage. You never have to pay me and even your initial consultation is free.
Contact me now to set up an appointment for your free consultation. There are three ways to do that:
- You can reach me at 770-527-5598
- Email me at Am*@In***********.com
- Simply use the convenient contact page on my website
FAQs: What You Need to Know
As the Insurance Nana®, I have the knowledge to help you find the best health care coverage for your family. I specialize in affordable health and life insurance for the Southeast, expanding your options beyond Obamacare.
I serve those who want to purchase the best affordable insurance possible but don’t know where to begin. This includes those that are self-employed, and those with small businesses with 1-20 employees.
Click on any of the links below to find out more information.
How to Get Started with the Insurance Nana®
How Does The Insurance Nana® Get Paid?
What Happens at My Free Consultation?
Is Blood Work Required When I Apply for Health Insurance?
What is Checked When I Apply for Health Insurance?
Is the Healthcare Marketplace Cheaper Than Working with the Insurance Nana®?
How Can You Save Money on Healthcare?